F i o n n . H a n
W r i t e r ╳ C o m p o s e r ╳ D e s i g n e r

Book vol.3 & 4
vol.3 Nagano:French cuisine,Friendship!
【WH.Diary 3】
Whole coworkers are Japanese!Working in OKUSHIGA-KOUGEN Hotel in Nagano (奥志賀高原ホテル/長野), Hana learned the spirit of hospitality deeply by serving French cuisine. Full of laughter and tears, working in the hotel was a very unique and impressive experience before 311 earthquake and the after.
▪narrative/ novel: Japanese/ Chinese
▪illustration: Japanese & English
第三部寫隻身前往長野雪地,和日本人工作、生活的飯店故事。學習法式料理精髓,更學「有靈魂的服務」ー共同經歷311地震前後的笑與淚都在這部夢想之作。全書以中英日三語,完整重現日本語境。→ Watch book videos here
▪對話/故事: 日文/中文 ▪38道料理插畫: 日文,英文
vol.4 Kyoto: after 311
【WH.Diary 4】
After 311, Hana began a new life in Kyoto, and visited 8 cities of a long journey in the west Japan. From the country farm to the nostalgic harbor, the ruins of Hiroshima atom-bomb to the contemporary design in Nagoya, colleague became the best local guides to show the heart of authentic Japanese culture. Finally, Hana got the answer of the request in her life, being bursting to the next destination in the promising future.
▪narrative/ prose: Japanese/ Chinese
▪poem: Japanese
▪illustration: Japanese & English
▪散文: 中文 ▪對話/詩: 日文 ▪ 圖說: 日文,英文