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 Rosalia. 愛情「爵」緣體 



▪ The day of concert, Rosa didn’t come but sent a bouquet for him instead.

Freeman was very disappointed. 



▪ After the concert, the atmosphere in Rosalia has changed.

Rosa became wary of Freeman. There is only business between them..



▪ Freeman saved enough money for new saxophone and left Rosalia.

He still strived for the auditions. 



直到某場婚禮,原定樂團來不及趕到現場; 店長情急之下,想到男孩會吹薩克斯風,卻聯絡不 上。她只好在語音信箱留話,祈禱婚禮時刻會有奇蹟到來...



▪ Until one day, the decided band couldn’t arrive in the marriage hall on time, Rosa who took charge of the wedding program can do nothing but contact with Freeman.

But he didn’t answer, she left a message in despair..



▪ Till last minute, Freeman brought his jazz band showing up to save Rosa.

He also gave a bouquet of lively rose to her.



▪ The beautiful melody of 'The Rose' was played by Freeman and his jazz band. Seeing the satisfied smile of Freeman and his music, Rosa finally wept for joy and the tears shed on the dried flower in the basket. The last scene transferred to the rose bouquet and flower language to left aftertaste.




'The Rose' 樂音響起,店長望著台上吹奏的男孩,喜悅的淚水滴在原本拿在手上的乾燥花籃,鏡頭順勢帶到另一手的玫瑰鮮花與花束裡的花語,留下得以回味的餘韻。

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