❖ Task:
to create the SONIC INTERLUDE after the 1st city—by processing the MUSIC without changing the arrangement or orchestration—that will lead into the 2nd city.
0:01-0:48 1st city : Green, flourishing and dialogues, vibrant with chaos
0:49-1:03 Interlude : Time travel (from past to future)
1:04-1:41 2nd city : Silver, succinct and non-organic, evolutionary yet lonely
❖ Full story (English)
透過音樂或聲音激發聯想與情感,在電影與廣告中很常見,但將Sound logo發揮到淋漓盡致,進而建立一整套Sound Identity系統
對我而言,倒是很嶄新的概念。第三位駐校作曲家John Groves以超過三十年經驗,為各大品牌樹立的形象,真的令人嘆為觀止。
有興趣的朋友可以聽聽John幫TUI做的音樂(Logo, Brand song, Soundscape),就不難發現整套音樂概念發展的脈絡。
今天分享的 ’Two Cites’ 也是用音樂與聲音說故事,希望能創造時空穿越的感受,驚喜在後面,請聽到最後😊
Slower ur pace : Taiwan / Hong Kong / China (Beijing, Shanghai, Guangdong)
audio_Krems an der Donau, Austria
post-production_Vienna, Austria