⇓WH.323 REVIVE ❻ 子供のように Like a child⇑
This video was filmed at our mini dormitory in Tokyo, which was the double room with bathroom, toilet, and super mini kitchen around Kinshicho station (錦糸町駅). As our first guest, Reto shared with us the lullaby from his childhood in Switzerland. Lovely, isn’t it ?
The article is about the Halloween party we held in the Guest House, which is another type of house and life style!
You got more opportunities to know the diversity of people, their thought and the authentic culture from their home.
Especially in this exhilarating ‘costume party’, you can see more ’true self’ come out 🎃
There is a similar event called ‘Yokai Costume Parade’ (the night parade of monsters and goblins) takes place every year in Tokyo and Kyoto. It is originated from Japanese folklore— ‘Hyakki Yagyo’ (百鬼夜行) which has been the popular theme of painted handscroll—Emakimono (絵巻物), in 16th century. Regardless of the nation borders, just dress up in your own fashion, Happy Halloween!
◐ WH.Diary 復活連載六: 子供のように ◑
Day 122 田無。洗濯日和、Halloween PARTY !
今天要跟大家分享的是當時住在東京的兩種房型 : 雙人房 和Guest House。
小歸小,裡頭還是有浴缸—因為日本人很重視能放鬆心情的泡澡 😊 接下來兩週會繼續介紹其他房型,Reto的瑞士兒歌是不是很令人耳目一新呢?
附上的文章是搬到西東京後,跟來自世界各國室友一起在Guest House舉辦萬聖派對的場景,相傳萬聖節源自不列顛凱爾特人的傳統節令Samhain—夏季終結,冬夜降臨,各式鬼怪遊走人間,所以要戴上面具驅趕惡靈。日本也有類似的「百鬼夜行」,源自平安時代鳥山石燕著名的妖怪繪卷,有機會都能在東京、京都參加這種「現代版百鬼夜行」應景喔。希望大家在Halloween當天都能理直氣壯地Trick-or-Treat,盡情享受「返老還童」的樂趣!
visual_Tokyo (Kinshicho, Tanashi)
audio_Dubai, Taipei
post-production_Vienna, Austria