⇓WH.323 REVIVE ❺ 餅搗き Mochi rice cake⇑
As the saying goes, “Strike while the iron is hot” (鉄は熱いうちに打て). It’s the same principle on MOCHI-TSUKI (mochi-pounding)!
‘Only when the rice is hot, we can make sticky rice cake with a soft, smooth, yet firm texture’, says Mr. Nakatani
whose mission is make people smile via traditional mocha-pounding techniques 🐿
Other theme videos on ANA ‘Cool Japan’ platform are highly recommended, such as: Matsuri, Kawaii, Okinawa.
Hope you’ll enjoy the virtual trips of colourful Japanese scenes, here is my MOCHI-TSUKI experience in the cool autumn of Tokyo 😊
◐ WH.Diary 復活連載五: 餅搗き ◑
Day 151 両国。餅つき大会-i
入冬前夕,不難在東京的街頭巷尾發現大夥兒合力將鬆軟白米搗成黏呼呼麻糬 (餅/もち) 的場景,搗完後直接蘸上花生紅豆、芝麻味增、或是納豆就可以吃了。
來自奈良中谷堂的專業師傅兩到三人一組,三分鐘就大功告成 ; 但在秋高氣爽的東京下町,我們不疾不徐,任時間癱瘓的木杵聲、吆喝聲、歡笑聲—這種高速機器無法取代的合作技藝/記憶,或許才是所有美味讓人感到幸福的秘密。
私房推薦 : ANA ‘Cool Japan’系列,一個能循序漸進認識日本傳統與當代文化的絕佳入口。希望大家能帶著新鮮心情,自由享受各個主題帶來的探險之旅 🤠 Cheers!
visual_Tokyo (Yamanote line)
audio_Dubai, Taipei
post-production_Vienna, Austria