⇓WH.Special Edition : REVIVE⇑
It includes not only the selected articles from WH.diary 1 & 2, but also the Original Videos shot in Japan, plus the Extract of 2017 Books Talk in Taipei.
Different themes would be launched from 2017 autumn to 2018 spring, such as: Cross-culture experience, Campus story, House choice, Job hunting, and Final tips of working holiday journey.
•¶•• Feature musicians : Kai Stensgaard (singing bowls & drum) + Tine Katrine Skau (modern recorder)
◐ WH.Diary 復活連載特別企劃(。◕ ∀ ◕。) !!
從九月開始,每月都有不同主題,分別是 : 文化體驗(culture)、夢想見学(campus)、部屋生活(house)、仕事探す(job)、和最後的經驗提醒(wh.323)。特別感謝擊樂家Kai Stensgaard 和藝術家Tine Katrine Skau 的演奏與靈感啟發。
visual_Tokyo. Taipei. Aalborg
audio_Odense, Denmark
post-production_London, United Kingdom